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WiFi Week 2 at Dexter Industries

WIFI-WEEK-2---Weather-from-Dexter Industries has started another WiFi Week!  Exciting projects will be unveiled each day, just like the last WiFi week a little while back.

Cool projects that have been published so far as part of WiFi Week 2:

Pachube seems really interesting.  It is a system with a simple API that allows your networked device to communicate arbitrary data to a hosting site with XML.  This creates a “feed” which you can then display this data in various ways using apps.

WIFI LEGO ThingspeakSome other projects coming soon for WiFi week 2 are:

  • A ThingSpeak project, which is a bit like Pachube but apparently has better graphics.
  • A news reel parser, with it you can display the latest headlines from Google News.

That’s some pretty cool stuff!  I can’t wait to see them in action.

About Xander

Xander Soldaat is a Software Engineer and former Infrastructure Architect. He loves building and programming robots. He recently had the opportunity to turn his robotics hobby into his profession and has started working for Robomatter, the makers of ROBOTC and Robot Virtual Words.