#pragma config(Sensor, S1, CTRFID, sensorI2CCustom9V) //*!!Code automatically generated by 'ROBOTC' configuration wizard !!*// /* * $Id: codatech-rfid-test2.c 133 2013-03-10 15:15:38Z xander $ */ /** * codatech-rfid.h provides an API for the Codatex RFID sensor. This program * demonstrates how to use that API to use the sensor in continuous mode. * * Changelog: * - 0.1: Initial release * - 0.2: Removed common.h include * * Credits: * - Big thanks to Sylvain Cacheux for writing the initial drivers. * * License: You may use this code as you wish, provided you give credit where it's due. * * THIS CODE WILL ONLY WORK WITH ROBOTC VERSION 3.59 AND HIGHER. * Xander Soldaat (xander_at_botbench.com) * 20 february 2011 * version 0.2 */ #include "drivers/codatech-rfid.h" string transponderID; task main() { nNxtButtonTask = -2; nxtDisplayCenteredTextLine(0, "Codatex"); nxtDisplayCenteredBigTextLine(1, "RFID"); nxtDisplayCenteredTextLine(3, "Test 2"); nxtDisplayCenteredTextLine(5, "Connect sensor"); nxtDisplayCenteredTextLine(6, "to S1"); wait1Msec(2000); eraseDisplay(); nxtDisplayCenteredTextLine(3, "Start single"); nxtDisplayCenteredTextLine(4, "reading loop"); wait1Msec(2000); eraseDisplay(); // Set up the sensor for continuous readings. CTRFIDsetContinuous(CTRFID); // loop for transponder readings with continuous read function while(nNxtButtonPressed == kNoButton) { // read the transponder if (!CTRFIDreadTransponder(CTRFID, transponderID)) { eraseDisplay(); nxtDisplayTextLine(3, "Error reading"); nxtDisplayTextLine(4, "from sensor!"); wait10Msec(5000); StopAllTasks(); } nxtDisplayCenteredTextLine(3, "Transponder ID:"); nxtDisplayCenteredTextLine(4, "%s", transponderID); // Be sure to add about 200ms after each read // or you end up getting 0000000000 as a transponder address wait1Msec(200); } } /* * $Id: codatech-rfid-test2.c 133 2013-03-10 15:15:38Z xander $ */