#pragma config(Sensor, S1, HTSMUX, sensorI2CCustom) //*!!Code automatically generated by 'ROBOTC' configuration wizard !!*// /* * $Id: hitechnic-protoboard-SMUX-test1.c 133 2013-03-10 15:15:38Z xander $ */ /** * hitechnic-protoboard.h provides an API for the HiTechnic Protoboard. This program * demonstrates how to use that API. * * Changelog: * - 0.1: Initial release * - 0.2: More comments * * Credits: * - Big thanks to HiTechnic for providing me with the hardware necessary to write and test this. * * License: You may use this code as you wish, provided you give credit where it's due. * * THIS CODE WILL ONLY WORK WITH ROBOTC VERSION 3.59 AND HIGHER. * Xander Soldaat (xander_at_botbench.com) * 25 November 2009 * version 0.2 */ #include "drivers/hitechnic-sensormux.h" #include "drivers/hitechnic-protoboard.h" // The sensor is connected to the first port // of the SMUX which is connected to the NXT port S1. // To access that sensor, we must use msensor_S1_1. If the sensor // were connected to 3rd port of the SMUX connected to the NXT port S4, // we would use msensor_S4_3 // Give the sensor a nice easy to use name const tMUXSensor HTPB = msensor_S1_1; task main() { byte inputs = 0; nxtDisplayCenteredTextLine(0, "HiTechnic"); nxtDisplayCenteredBigTextLine(1, "Proto"); nxtDisplayCenteredTextLine(3, "Test 1"); nxtDisplayCenteredTextLine(5, "Connect SMUX to"); nxtDisplayCenteredTextLine(6, "S1 and HTPB to"); nxtDisplayCenteredTextLine(7, "SMUX Port 1"); wait1Msec(2000); PlaySound(soundBeepBeep); while(bSoundActive) EndTimeSlice(); eraseDisplay(); while(true) { // Fetch the state of the digital IO pins. When not explicitly // configured as input or output, they will default to input. inputs = HTPBreadIO(HTPB, 0x3F); nxtDisplayTextLine(4, "D: 0x%x", (int)inputs); wait1Msec(10); } } /* * $Id: hitechnic-protoboard-SMUX-test1.c 133 2013-03-10 15:15:38Z xander $ */