#pragma config(Sensor, S1, HTPB, sensorI2CCustom9V) #pragma config(Sensor, S2, SOUND_PORT, sensorAnalogInactive) //*!!Code automatically generated by 'ROBOTC' configuration wizard !!*// /* * $Id: hitechnic-protoboard-exp3.c 133 2013-03-10 15:15:38Z xander $ */ /** * hitechnic-protoboard.h provides an API for the HiTechnic Protoboard. This is program 3 * for the HTPB experimenter's kit. * * Changelog: * - 0.1: Initial release * * Credits: * - Big thanks to HiTechnic for providing me with the hardware necessary to write and test this. * * License: You may use this code as you wish, provided you give credit where it's due. * * THIS CODE WILL ONLY WORK WITH ROBOTC VERSION 3.59 AND HIGHER. * Xander Soldaat (xander_at_botbench.com) * 07 May 2010 * version 0.1 */ #include "drivers/hitechnic-protoboard.h" task main() { // Local variables int soundlevel; ubyte outputdata; // The data to be written: 0x3F = 111111 binary, // makes all digital ports outputs. HTPBsetupIO(HTPB, 0x3F); while(true) { // Get the value from the LEGO sound sensor. soundlevel = 1023 - SensorValue[SOUND_PORT]; eraseDisplay(); nxtDisplayTextLine(1, "%d", soundlevel); // Depending on the input voltage on A0, // turn on the corresponding LED. outputdata = 0x01; outputdata = 0x01; if (soundlevel > 65) outputdata = 0x02; if (soundlevel > 108) outputdata = 0x04; if (soundlevel > 180) outputdata = 0x08; if (soundlevel > 300) outputdata = 0x10; if (soundlevel > 500) outputdata = 0x20; HTPBwriteIO(HTPB, outputdata); wait1Msec(50); } } /* * $Id: hitechnic-protoboard-exp3.c 133 2013-03-10 15:15:38Z xander $ */