#pragma config(Sensor, S1, HTSPB, sensorI2CCustom9V) //*!!Code automatically generated by 'ROBOTC' configuration wizard !!*// /* HiTechnic Experimenter's Kit for the SuperPro Experiment - 7 Magnetic Switch Sensor This program measures reads the status of the magnetic sensor and outputs the status. */ #include "drivers/hitechnic-superpro.h" task main() { // The data to be written: 0x10 = 010000 binary, // makes B4 digital port an output. HTSPBsetupIO(HTSPB, 0x10); while(true) { if(HTSPBreadIO(HTSPB, 0x01) == 0) { eraseDisplay(); nxtDisplayTextLine(1, "Magnet present"); HTSPBwriteIO(HTSPB, 0x10); } else { eraseDisplay(); nxtDisplayTextLine(1, "Magnet absent"); HTSPBwriteIO(HTSPB, 0x00); } wait1Msec(50); } }