After a long wait, thanks to the speediness of the USPS (their delivery status page is beyond useless), my two Dexter Industries NXTBee sensors finally arrived! These little puppies will allow me to communicate between up to 16 NXTs at about 115Kb/s. Pretty sweet, I’d say. They leverage the NXT’s underutilised port 4’s ability to talk RS485 to achieve these high speeds.
John from Dexter Industries has already done some cool prototyping with it, which you can read about here: [LINK]. It’s a remote controlled car; you can see how far he drove it in the video. There’s also another article on the site showing the robotic flag waver: [LINK]. I can’t let this go unanswered, so I will make a Dutch flag waver very shortly; stay tuned.
You could really impress both of the other testers by mounting the flag on a mobile base, and controlling that too! (maybe the Rotacaster Omniwheel robot you built could be a useful shortcut.)
All in good time.