Mindsensors have been working on an IMU of their own. It has a compass, and accelerometer, as well as a 3-axis gyro. It
can be used is available in two configurations:
- Accelerometer and Compass
or Gyro - Accelerometer and Compass and Gyro.
Seems a bit strange to have to chose between these two configurations but I am sure there’s a reason for it. When I find out more, you’ll be the first to know!
Edit: I now know a bit more about the two configurations. It boils down to there being two sub models of this sensor:
- AbsoluteIMU-AC: Accelerometer+Compass
- AbsoluteIMU-ACG: Accelerometer + Compass + Gyro
This makes a lot more sense now.
Looking at the text on their website, they suggest the Gyro is not included. The Gyro can be added. The image suggests this as well.
With A+C you can get absolute position if you’re in equilibrium.
I’ve asked Deepak and am currently waiting for a reply. I’ll let you know when I know more!
It seems that there will be two models, one with the gyro and another without the gyro.
Post updated with new info!