Home / Sensors / Mindsensors NXTCamV3 Firmware: MergeBlob V0.1

Mindsensors NXTCamV3 Firmware: MergeBlob V0.1

Vision Subsystem v3 for NXTAfter many weeks of fiddling and messing around, I’ve finally finished the first version of MergeBlob.  What is MergeBlob you ask?  It’s a modified firmware for the new Mindsensors NXTCam V3

I added the following features:

  • Calculate the size of all the tracked objects (this is not exposed to the user, yet)
  • Merge objects if they are found to be touching or overlapping
  • Sort them according to size, biggest object first

This may not seem like much, but as they say, a picture speaks a thousand words, so below are some images captures using NXTCamView.

image image

What the camera sees

These are the colours being tracked

image image

Tracking without object merging

Tracking with object merging

So, rather than attempting to track 8 objects at once, you can now instruct your robot to just track the first object, which also happens to be the largest one and most likely the object you are after, rather than an artifact.  While the MergeBlob firmware tries hard to eliminate most sub blobs, it doesn’t always succeed. However, that being said, it does a much better job than the standard firmware.  The current version of the firmware does not allow the merging and sorting to be disabled for object tracking mode, line tracking mode is unchanged from the factory default. 

You can download the complete source here: [LINK]. You’ll need an SVN client on your computer to do so.  I can recommend using TortoiseSVN.

About Xander

Xander Soldaat is a Software Engineer and former Infrastructure Architect. He loves building and programming robots. He recently had the opportunity to turn his robotics hobby into his profession and has started working for Robomatter, the makers of ROBOTC and Robot Virtual Words.